import ReactDataGrid from 'flexicious-react-datagrid/js/table/ReactDataGrid.js'
The ReactDataGrid class is the main component intended to be consumed by application developers to embed the Flexicious React DataGrid component in their React Apps. It ultimately inherits from React.Component base class. The immediate super class of this class is the FlexDataGrid class, which contains most of the grid API.
In order to make the Flexicious React DataGrid (base class of this class) build purely from JSX markup, This class provides a hook into JSX parsing (making its children not visual DOM children, but actually just configuration)
This class will also be the actual DOM node that renders the REACT datagrid - it will contain all the scrolling containers (pager, header, filter, body and footer) - which in turn will contain instances of ReactDataGridCellContainer classes which will in turn contain the actual renderers (div's)
The children of this class in markup will be ReactDataGridColumn or ReactDataGridColumnGroup or ReactDataGridColumnLevel classes. They are config classes, and are ignored for rendering purposes - their only use is to pass the configuration of the grid into the base class for this class (FlexDataGrid)
For a complete list of properties and methods, please refer to the following classes: FlexDataGrid (base class of this class, which eventually inherits from React.Component) FlexDataGridColumnLevel (Please read the Introduction section of the user guide to understand what a level means) FlexDataGridColumnGroup (For grouped columns) FlexDataGridColumn (The actual column object within the grid) .
For a list of examples, review - Each example has a "Source Code" section where you can review sample configurations. Typical markup looks like:
- For a simple example:
- Running simple example:
- For a example with the base adapter [CSS Styles, Popups, etc included] included see
- React-Redux example code:
- React-Redux example running:
<ReactDataGrid dataProvider={this.state.dataProvider} width={"100%"} height={300} ... [See {FlexDataGrid} class for full list of properties]>
<ReactDataGridColumnLevel [See { FlexDataGridColumnLevel} for full list of properties - note that this is not required, you can directly
list { ReactDataGridColumn} nodes here, a level is only needed for hierarchical grids where each level
of hierarchy may potentially have different sets of columns.]>
<ReactDataGridColumnGroup ... [See { FlexDataGridColumnGroup} class for full list of properties]>
<ReactDataGridColumn ... [See { FlexDataGridColumn} class for full list of properties]/>
<ReactDataGridColumn ... [See { FlexDataGridColumn} class for full list of properties]/>
<ReactDataGridColumn ... [See { FlexDataGridColumn} class for full list of properties]/>
<ReactDataGridColumn ... [See { FlexDataGridColumn} class for full list of properties]/>
Complete Example:
<ReactDataGrid width={"100%"} ref={(grid) => { this.grid = grid; }} enablePrint enablePreferencePersistence enableExport enableCopy enableFilters enableFooters initialSortField="title" preferencePersistenceKey="variableRowHeight" initialSortAscending forcePagerRow variableRowHeight
<ReactDataGridColumn dataField="id" headerText="ID" filterControl="TextInput" filterOperation="Contains" columnWidthMode="fitToContent" />
<ReactDataGridColumn dataField="title" headerText="Title" filterControl="TextInput" columnWidthMode="fitToContent" footerLabel="Count:" footerOperation="count" footerAlign="center" filterOperation="Contains" />
<ReactDataGridColumn dataField="description" headerText="Description" wordWrap />
<ReactDataGridColumn dataField="genre" headerText="Genre" filterControl="MultiSelectComboBox" filterComboBoxBuildFromGrid columnWidthMode="fitToContent" />
<ReactDataGridColumn dataField="price" headerText="Price" filterControl="NumericRangeBox" columnWidthMode="fixed" width="100" footerLabel="Avg:" footerOperation="average" footerAlign="center" footerOperationPrecision={2} footerFormatter={flexiciousNmsp.CurrencyFormatter} labelFunction={UIUtils.dataGridFormatCurrencyLabelFunction} />
<ReactDataGridColumn dataField="publish_date" headerText="Publish Date" filterControl="DateComboBox" columnWidthMode="fitToContent" filterConverterFunction={this.convertDate} labelFunction={this.dataGridFormatDateLabelFunction} />
Here is a video that demonstrates how to quickly get up and running with the React DataGrid:
Constructor Summary
Public Constructor | ||
public |
constructor(props: *, arg1: *, arg2: *) |
Method Summary
Public Methods | ||
public |
getAllChildren(): * |
public |
getClassNames(): string[] |
Inherited Summary
From class EventDispatcher | ||
public |
[prop]: * |
public |
public |
A list of event listeners for this event dispatcher object. |
public |
typeCache: {} |
public |
addEventListener(context: *, type: *, listener: *) Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event. |
public |
public |
dispatchEvent(event: *): boolean Dispatches an event into the event flow. |
public |
getClassNames(): string[] |
public |
getStyle(prop: *): * Gets the value of the prop property on this object |
public |
hasEventListener(type: *): Boolean Returns true if an event listener exists |
public |
implementsOrExtends(name: *): Boolean Returns true if the class name to check is in the list of class names defined for this class. |
public |
kill() Removes all event listeners |
public |
killArray(arr: *) Given an array of event dispatchers, calls the kill method on each of them. |
public |
removeEventListener(type: *, listener: *) Removes a listener from the EventDispatcher object. |
public |
setStyle(prop: *, val: *) Sets the value of the prop property on this object |
From class UIComponent | ||
public static |
public static |
public |
public |
children: *[] |
public |
childrenWithProps: *[] |
public |
data: * This is a getter/setter for the data property. |
public |
domElement: HTMLElement The dom element associated with this UIComponent. |
public |
A list of event listeners that are added to the domElement (these create html dom event listeners as opposed to js only event listeners) |
public |
Whether or not this control is enabled. |
public |
errorString: * |
public |
handCursor: * |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
A flag to store if this object has been marked for invalidation. |
public |
oldDisplay: * |
public |
parent: * |
public |
propertyBag: {} |
public |
props: * |
public |
reactElement: ReactElement The react element associated with this UIComponent. |
public |
state: * |
public |
tagName: * |
public |
toolTip: * |
public |
public |
Whether or not this control is enabled. |
public |
public |
x: * |
public |
y: * |
public |
addChild(child: *) This methods takes another UIComponent object, and adds it to the dom as a child of the domElement of this UIComponent. |
public |
addChildAt(child: *, idx: *) This methods takes another UIComponent object, and adds it to the dom as a child of the domElement of this UIComponent. |
public |
addDomEventListener(evt: *, f: *) When you call addEventListener on a UIComponent, certain events, defined by the domEvents array are also associated with the corresponding domElement. |
public |
addEventListener(context: *, type: *, listener: *) Calls super.addEventListener, and for dom based events, also adds a HTML Event listener |
public |
attachClass(newClass: *) |
public |
public |
public |
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: *) |
public |
public |
public |
detachClass(newClass: *) |
public |
domEventFired(event: *) The event handler that gets triggered from the HTML DOM. |
public |
focus() |
public |
getAllChildren(): * |
public |
getAttribute(attr: *): * |
public |
getAutomationName(): * |
public |
getChildAt(idx: *): * Returns the child of the domElement at the specified index. |
public |
getClassNames(): string[] |
public |
getComponentStyleAttribute(attr: *): * |
public |
getData(): * This is a getter/setter for the data property. |
public |
getElementByTagName(tag: *): * |
public |
getEnabled(): * Sets the enabled flag |
public |
getErrorString(val: *): * |
public |
getHandCursor(): * |
public |
getHandCursor(): * |
public |
getHeight(): * |
public |
public |
public |
getIncludeInLayout(val: *): * |
public |
getInnerHTML(): * Getter for the innerHTML property |
public |
getPixelHeight(): * |
public |
getStyleAttribute(attr: *): * |
public |
getText(): * Getter for the text property |
public |
public |
public |
getVisible(val: *): * Sets the visible flag |
public |
getWidth(): * |
public |
getX(): * Gets the X co ordinate |
public |
getY(): * Gets the Y co ordinate |
public |
globalToLocal(ptIn: *): flexiciousNmsp.Point Converts the given global Point to local co-ordinates. |
public |
initFromProps(props: *) |
public |
Any initialization code is supposed to go in this method. |
public |
This method will queue the component so the display list will render it once the current frame of execution is over. |
public |
kill() First, calls super.kill(), which takes out all event listeners. |
public |
localToGlobal(ptIn: *): flexiciousNmsp.Point Converts the given local Point to global co-ordinates. |
public |
measureText(textToMeasure: *): {"width": *} Returns the width of the given text. |
public |
mergeObjects(obj1: *, obj2: *): * |
public |
move(x: *, y: *) Sets the X and Y co ordinates of the current dom element |
public |
numChildren(): * Gets the number of children of the dom element associated with this UIComponent. |
public |
Recursively iterates through the parent hierarchy of the given element to check to see if the current node is in its parent hierarchy. |
public |
public |
removeAllChildren(child: *) |
public |
removeChild(child: *) This methods takes another UIComponent object, and removes it from the dom. |
public |
removeChildAt(idx: *) This methods takes another UIComponent object, and removes it from the dom. |
public |
removeComponentAttribute(attr: *) |
public |
removeDomEventListener(evt: *, f: *) Removes a previously attached DOM event listener. |
public |
removeEventListener(type: *, listener: *) Calls super.addEventListener, and for dom based events, also removes the previously added HTML Event listener |
public |
removeEventListenerKeepDomListener(type: *, listener: *) Calls super.addEventListener, and for dom based events, also removes the previously added HTML Event listener |
public |
render(): * |
public |
setActualSize(w: *, h: *) |
public |
public |
setAttribute(attr: *, val: *) |
public |
setAutomationName(val: *) |
public |
setChildIndex(child: *, index: *) Sets the visible flag |
public |
setComponentStyleAttribute(attr: *, val: *) |
public |
setData(val: *) This is important, because the grid looks for a "setData" method on the renderer. |
public |
setDomElement(elem: *) Sets the domElement of this UIComponent to the specified element, and creates a property on the dom element called component to this. |
public |
setEnabled(val: *) Sets the enabled flag |
public |
setErrorString(val: *) |
public |
setHandCursor(val: *) |
public |
setHeight(val: *): * |
public |
setHorizontalScrollPolicy(policy: *) |
public |
setHorizontalScrollPosition(val: *): * |
public |
setIncludeInLayout(val: *) |
public |
setInnerHTML(val: *) Setter for the innerHTML property |
public |
setState(newState: *) |
public |
setStateIfDomPresent(state: *, db: *) |
public |
setStateInternal(newState: *) |
public |
setStyleAttribute(attr: *, val: *) |
public |
setText(val: *) Setter for the text property |
public |
setToolTip(val: *) |
public |
setVerticalScrollPolicy(policy: *) |
public |
setVerticalScrollPosition(val: *): * |
public |
setVisible(val: *) Sets the visible flag |
public |
setWidth(val: *): * |
public |
setX(val: *): * Sets the X co ordinate |
public |
setY(val: *): * Sets the Y co ordinate |
public |
updateDisplayList(w: *, h: *) Called as a part of render phase. |
public |
public |
From class NdgBase | ||
public |
public |
Text for the Copy All Rows |
public |
Text for the Copy Cell Menu |
public |
Text for the Copy Selected Row |
public |
The default number of rows to display. |
public |
A function that determines whether drag should be initiated. |
public |
A function that gets executed when the drag drop operation is complete. |
public |
A function that determines whether drop should be shown. |
public |
public |
Flag that indicates whether or not to setup drag support. |
public |
public |
enableDrop: * |
public |
public |
public |
public |
itemFilters: {} |
public |
For some operations, like shift tab and tab key up, purposely pause the Container keyboard listenters, so we do not overwrite the work of one keyboard handler by triggering another. |
public |
public |
public |
A collection of toolbar actions. |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
A collection of toolbar actions. |
public |
traceValue: * |
public |
public |
createListData(text: *, dataField: *, i: *): * |
public |
Calls invalidateDisplayList() |
public |
dragDrop(event: *) |
public |
dragEnter(event: *) |
public |
public |
getClassNames(): string[] |
public |
Flag that indicates whether or not to setup drag support. |
public |
getDragRowData(): * The row data that is currently being dragged |
public |
getDropEnabled(): * Flag that indicates whether or not to setup drop support. |
public |
getDropIndicator(): * The dropIndicator separator Sprite. |
public |
Flag that indicates whether or not to setup drop support. |
public |
public |
Returns true if selectionMode=MULTIPLE_ROWS or SINGLE_ROW |
public |
Returns true if selectionMode=MULTIPLE_ROWS or SINGLE_ROW |
public |
The left locked vertical separator Sprite. |
public |
The right locked vertical separator Sprite. |
public |
getSelectedCells(): * A list of |
public |
getSelectionMode(): * Selection mode for the grid. |
public |
getUIComponentBitmapData(target: *): * Drag and Drop support, create a image representation of the row. |
public |
hasBorderSide(side: *): boolean Returns true if the grid defines the border style specified |
public |
Invalidates the cell widths, so in the next commit properties, we snap to the new column widths. |
public |
Invalidates the height, which in turn adjusts the various section based on the updated numbers, and recycles the renderers, so if there is more stuff on the viewport than is currently visible, it is drawn. |
public |
Invalidates the width, which in turn adjusts the various section based on the updated numbers, and recycles the renderers, so if there is more stuff on the viewport than is currently visible, it is drawn. |
public |
onCollectionChange(event: *) |
public |
onCreationComplete(event: *) |
public |
onGridMouseClick(event: *) |
public |
onGridResized(event: *) On grid resized, we reposition the cells. |
public |
reDraw() Redraws the grid, assuming the data provider is the same, we're just changing column widths or ordinals. There are four functions that you can use to redraw the grid, on basis of what your needs are.
public |
rebuild() Rebuild the entire grid. |
public |
Calls rebuild internally. |
public |
public |
setActualSize(w: number, h: number) |
public |
setDragEnabled(enabled: boolean) |
public |
setDropEnabled(enabled: boolean) |
public |
setEnableDrop(enabled: boolean) |
public |
public |
setSelectionMode(value: boolean) |
public |
public |
showToaster(message: *, toasterPosition: *, toasterRenderer: *, animationDuration: *, visibleDuration: *, moveAnimate: *, fadeAnimate: *) |
public |
traceEvent(msg: String) |
public |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth: number, unscaledHeight: number) |
From class FlexDataGrid | ||
public |
activeCellColor: uint [Style(name="activeCellColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] The color of the cell directly under the mouse or if using keyboard navigation, current keyboard seed. |
public |
Flag to enable dragging multiple rows. |
public |
[Style(name="alternatingItemColors", type="Array", arrayType="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] The colors to use for the backgrounds of the items in the grid. |
public |
[Style(name="alternatingTextColors", type="Array", arrayType="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] The colors to use for the text of the items in the grid. |
public |
By default, when the grid's creation complete event is dispatched, the grid will go
in and load the saved preference. This works well in most cases, but in some cases, where
the data needed to build selection comboboxes (for filters) is built from the dataprovider,
it makes sense to wait until the dataprovider is loaded to parse and set the preferences, otherwise
the grid will end up ignoring saved preferences for filters that have dropdown based UI. In this case
set autoLoadPreferences to true, and manually call loadPreferences when the data is received from
the server and the dataprovider is set. grid:FlexDataGrid autoLoadPreferences=”false” |
public |
The number of milliseconds to wait before issuing an autorefresh call. |
public |
Timer instance to work with the auto refresh mechanism |
public |
Backgrond color, the color of the fill area. |
public |
borderColor: uint Color of the border. |
public |
Bounding box sides. |
public |
Bounding box thickness. |
public |
bottomBarLeft: flexiciousNmsp.UIComponent A box to cover the space left behind by the horizontal scrollbar when horizontalScrollPolicy=on and there are left locked columns. |
public |
bottomBarRight: flexiciousNmsp.UIComponent A box to cover the space left behind by the horizontal scrollbar when horizontalScrollPolicy=on and there are left locked columns. |
public |
public |
A function that can be used to control the background color of each cell in this column. |
public |
This is a fimctopm that gets called when the cell is placed. |
public |
public |
[Style(name="sortArrowSkin", type="Class", inherit="no")]
The class to use as the skin for the checkbox that appears when you drag and drop a header cell to reposition the column, and you
drop it on a header cell where you can actually complete the re-order operation
The default value for the Halo theme is |
public |
Flag that controls whether or not to clear out errors when the data provider changes Defaults to true, so if you are using server paging, set this false |
public |
Flag that controls whether or not to clear out openItems when the data provider changes Defaults to true, so if you are using server paging, set this false |
public |
Flag that controls whether or not to clear out selectedObjects and selectedKeys when the data provider changes Defaults to true, so if you are using server paging, set this false |
public |
Flag that controls whether or not to clear out selectedObjects and selectedKeys when the filter changes Defaults to false |
public |
A function that takes in a data object, and a column, and returns a number. |
public |
Tooltip to display when user hovers over collapse icon |
public |
columnGroupClosedIcon: Class [Style(name="columnGroupClosedIcon", type="Class", format="EmbeddedFile", inherit="no")] The icon that is displayed next to a closed column group. |
public |
[Style(name="columnGroupColors", type="Array", arrayType="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] An array of two colors used to draw the Column Groups background gradient. |
public |
[Style(name="columnGroupDrawTopBorder", type="Boolean", inherit="no")] Flag that indicates whether to force the top border |
public |
[Style(name="columnGroupHorizontalGridLineColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] The color of the horizontal grid lines. |
public |
[Style(name="columnGroupHorizontalGridLineThickness", type="Number", format="Length")] Thickness of the header horizontal grid lines. |
public |
[Style(name="columnGroupHorizontalGridLines", type="Boolean", inherit="no")] Flag that indicates whether to show horizontal grid lines between the rows. |
public |
columnGroupOpenIcon: Class [Style(name="columnGroupOpenIcon", type="Class", format="EmbeddedFile", inherit="no")] The icon that is displayed next to an open column group. |
public |
[Style(name="columnGroupPaddingBottom", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] Number of pixels between the control's right border and the right edge of its content area. |
public |
[Style(name="columnGroupPaddingLeft", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] Number of pixels between the control's left border and the left edge of its content area. |
public |
[Style(name="columnGroupPaddingRight", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] Number of pixels between the control's right border and the right edge of its content area. |
public |
[Style(name="columnGroupPaddingTop", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] Number of pixels between the control's left border and the left edge of its content area. |
public |
[Style(name="columnGroupRollOverColors", type="Array", arrayType="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] The color of the row background when the user rolls over the Column Groups. |
public |
The name of a CSS style declaration for controlling other aspects of the appearance of the column groups. |
public |
[Style(name="columnGroupVerticalGridLineColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] The color of the vertical grid lines. |
public |
[Style(name="columnGroupVerticalGridLineThickness", type="Number", format="Length")] Thickness of the header vertical grid lines. |
public |
[Style(name="columnGroupVerticalGridLines", type="Boolean", inherit="no")] Flag that indicates whether to show vertical grid lines between the columns. |
public |
this member was deprecated. Starting in 2.9 we no longer draw a glyph, we simply draw a line. This is to add support
for dropping column on both sides of the target cell.
[Style(name="columnMoveAlpha")] The alpha to apply to the glyph when moving the column. |
public |
[Style(name="columnMoveResizeSeparatorColor", format="Color")] The color of the line to draw when the user is moving or resizing the column |
public |
public |
Set to true when the context menu is shown. |
public |
[Style(name="sortArrowSkin", type="Class", inherit="no")] The class to use as the skin for the checkbox that appears when you drag and drop a header cell to reposition the column, and you drop it on a header cell where you can NOT complete the re-order operation |
public |
public |
public |
currentPoint: flexiciousNmsp.InsertionLocationInfo |
public |
delegate: * When used in conjunction with any third party library (like angular js) YOu may want to point this variable to the controller. |
public |
disclosureClosedIcon: Class [Style(name="disclosureClosedIcon", type="Class", format="EmbeddedFile", inherit="no")] The icon that is displayed next to a closed branch node of the navigation tree. |
public |
disclosureOpenIcon: Class [Style(name="disclosureOpenIcon", type="Class", format="EmbeddedFile", inherit="no")] The icon that is displayed next to an open branch node of the navigation tree. |
public |
Performance optimization, set this to true only if you are listening for the FlexDataGridEvent.CELL_CREATED event |
public |
Performance optimization, set this to true only if you are listening for the FlexDataGridEvent.CELL_RENDERED event |
public |
Performance optimization, set this to true only if you are listening for the FlexDataGridEvent.RENDERER_INITIALIZED event |
public |
public |
[Style(name="dragAlpha", type="Number")] Alpha for the drag operation. |
public |
public |
public |
[Style(name="dragRowBorderStyle", type="String")] Border for the drag row for the drag operation. |
public |
Function to determine if the given object has children. |
public |
[Style(name="editItemColor", type="Array", arrayType="uint", format="Color")] The colors to use for the backgrounds of the items in the grid in the editable mode. |
public |
[Style(name="editTextColor", format="Color")] The colors to use for the text of the items in the editable grid. |
public |
public |
Flag to hightlight the active cell. |
public |
If flag is set to true, grid will dispatch an AUTO_REFRESH event every autoRefreshInterval milliseconds. |
public |
Added in 2.9 to force columns to take the widths that the user specified. |
public |
Flag to enable the context menu copy items. |
public |
By default, the grid draws a set of expand collapse icons on the left locked section. |
public |
Added in 2.9 to avoid multiple change events from firing. |
public |
Flag to enable edit on doubleclick as opposed to single click. |
public |
When enableVirtualScroll=true, setting this to true will cause each scroll event to issue a server request.. |
public |
Flag to enable creation of the next level dynamically as the hierarchy is set. |
public |
By default, the grid renders when the dataprovider is set. |
public |
Flag to hightlight the edit row. |
public |
Flag to enable export to word and excel. |
public |
Not supported. |
public |
Flag to size the grid on basis of the number of rows displayed. |
public |
Flag to control whether or not an item that has no children is filtered out or not. |
public |
public |
Added in 2.9 to avoid flicker. |
public |
In server mode, if this flag is set to true and the user hits select all on a particular page, the grid will maintain the selections made on previous pages. |
public |
public |
Enables the print pdf operation. |
public |
When set to true, causes the grid to look for settings stored previously in the local shared object store if preferencePersistenceMode='client' or dispatch an event requesting settings from the server in preferencePersistenceMode='server' |
public |
Enables the print operation. |
public |
Flag To watch if our size changed and react accordingly |
public |
In server mode, if the user selects all and hits page change, this flag will control if the next page of newly loaded records is automatically selected. |
public |
Flag to enable dataprovider based preselection of data. |
public |
A flag to bubble up selection from children to parents. |
public |
Flag to cascade checkbox or row selection down from the selection level. |
public |
Support for selection based on exclusion. |
public |
Only applicable when selectionMode=multipleRows or multipleCells By default, when you click on a row (or cell), the grid will add it to the selection. |
public |
Flag to enable change tracking If set to true, each addition, update(via the grid) or deletion to the data provider will be tracked. |
public |
Flag to enable tristate behavior for selection checkboxes. |
public |
Flag to enable virtual scroll. |
public |
errorBackgroundColor: uint [Style(name="errorBackgroundColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] The background color of the row that has the error . |
public |
errorBorderColor: uint [Style(name="errorBorderColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] The border color of the cell that has the error . |
public |
public |
The Export options object that is used to configure the excel export behavior - currently only supported in Ultimate |
public |
Default function will return the value of expandTooltip or collapseTooltip. |
public |
Tooltip to display when user hovers over expand icon |
public |
[Style(name="filterColors", type="Array", arrayType="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] The color of the row background for the filter. |
public |
[Style(name="filterDrawTopBorder", type="Boolean", inherit="no")] Flag that indicates whether to force the top border, when horizontal gridlines are not drawn |
public |
By default, for hierarchical datagrids, when there is a object that does not have the property being searched for, these objects are included in the filter match. |
public |
The color of the horizontal grid lines. |
public |
[Style(name="filterHorizontalGridLineThickness", type="Number", format="Length")] Thickness of the filter horizontal grid lines. |
public |
[Style(name="filterHorizontalGridLines", type="Boolean", inherit="no")] Flag that indicates whether to show horizontal grid lines between the rows. |
public |
[Style(name="filterPaddingBottom", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] Number of pixels between the control's right border and the right edge of its content area. |
public |
[Style(name="filterPaddingLeft", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] Number of pixels between the control's left border and the left edge of its content area. |
public |
[Style(name="filterPaddingRight", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] Number of pixels between the control's right border and the right edge of its content area. |
public |
[Style(name="filterPaddingTop", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] Number of pixels between the control's left border and the left edge of its content area. |
public |
[Style(name="filterRollOverColors", type="Array", arrayType="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] The color of the row background when the user rolls over the filter. |
public |
[Style(name="filterVerticalGridLineColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] The color of the vertical grid lines. |
public |
[Style(name="filterVerticalGridLineThickness", type="Number", format="Length")] Thickness of the filter vertical grid lines. |
public |
[Style(name="filterVerticalGridLines", type="Boolean", inherit="no")] Flag that indicates whether to show vertical grid lines between the columns. |
public |
[Style(name="fixedColumnFillColors", type="Array", arrayType="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] A box to cover the space left behind by the horizontal scrollbar when horizontalScrollPolicy=on and there are left locked columns |
public |
[Style(name="footerColors", type="Array", arrayType="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] An array of two colors used to draw the footer background gradient. |
public |
[Style(name="footerDrawTopBorder", type="Boolean", inherit="no")] Flag that indicates whether to force the top border, when horizontal gridlines are not drawn |
public |
[Style(name="footerHorizontalGridLineColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] The color of the horizontal grid lines. |
public |
[Style(name="footerHorizontalGridLineThickness", type="Number", format="Length")] Thickness of the footer horizontal grid lines. |
public |
[Style(name="footerHorizontalGridLines", type="Boolean", inherit="no")] Flag that indicates whether to show horizontal grid lines between the rows. |
public |
[Style(name="footerPaddingBottom", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] Number of pixels between the control's right border and the right edge of its content area. |
public |
[Style(name="footerPaddingLeft", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] Number of pixels between the control's left border and the left edge of its content area. |
public |
[Style(name="footerPaddingRight", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] Number of pixels between the control's right border and the right edge of its content area. |
public |
[Style(name="footerPaddingTop", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] Number of pixels between the control's left border and the left edge of its content area. |
public |
[Style(name="footerRollOverColors", type="Array", arrayType="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] The color of the row background when the user rolls over the footer. |
public |
The name of a CSS style declaration for controlling other aspects of the appearance of the column headers. |
public |
[Style(name="footerVerticalGridLineColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] The color of the vertical grid lines. |
public |
[Style(name="footerVerticalGridLineThickness", type="Number", format="Length")] Thickness of the footer vertical grid lines. |
public |
[Style(name="footerVerticalGridLines", type="Boolean", inherit="no")] Flag that indicates whether to show vertical grid lines between the columns. |
public |
Flag to automatically generate columns. |
public |
This function basically gives you the opportunity to tie in to the grids hierarchy lookup mechanism. |
public |
When variableRowHeight =true, atleast one column needs to have the wordWrap flag set to true. |
public |
Function to control all the filtering at all levels. |
public |
This is a property that gets called to determine if a expand/collapse icon needs to be drawn. |
public |
A Flag that indicates if there are any errors |
public |
By default, there is no filter applied. |
public |
[Style(name="headerColors", type="Array", arrayType="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] An array of two colors used to draw the header background gradient. |
public |
headerDrawTopBorder: Boolen Flag that indicates whether to force the top border [Style(name="headerDrawTopBorder", type="Boolean", inherit="no")] |
public |
The color of the horizontal grid lines. |
public |
Thickness of the header horizontal grid lines. |
public |
Flag that indicates whether to show horizontal grid lines between the rows. |
public |
[Style(name="headerPaddingBottom", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] Number of pixels between the control's right border and the right edge of its content area. |
public |
[Style(name="headerPaddingLeft", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] Number of pixels between the control's left border and the left edge of its content area. |
public |
[Style(name="headerPaddingRight", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] Number of pixels between the control's right border and the right edge of its content area. |
public |
[Style(name="headerPaddingTop", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] Number of pixels between the control's left border and the left edge of its content area. |
public |
[Style(name="headerRollOverColors", type="Array", arrayType="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] The color of the row background when the user rolls over the header. |
public |
[Style(name="headerSortSeparatorColor", format="Color")] The color of the line between header and the sort section for multi column sort |
public |
[Style(name="headerSortSeparatorRight", format="int")] The distance between the sort line and the right edge of the header cell |
public |
The name of a CSS style declaration for controlling other aspects of the appearance of the column headers. |
public |
The color of the vertical grid lines. |
public |
Thickness of the header vertical grid lines. |
public |
Flag that indicates whether to show vertical grid lines between the columns. |
public |
public |
public |
horizontalGridLineColor: uint The color of the horizontal grid lines. |
public |
Thickness of the horizontal grid lines. |
public |
Flag that indicates whether to show horizontal grid lines between the rows. |
public |
The Export options object that is used to configure the html export behavior - currently only supported in Ultimate |
public |
The root path to all images used by the grid |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
itemFilters: Dictionary |
public |
public |
Last time the auto refresh timer was triggered |
public |
public |
public |
lockedSeperatorColor: uint [Style(name="lockedSeperatorColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] The color of the vertical seperators for the locked content. |
public |
[Style(name="lockedSeperatorThickness", type="Number", inherit="yes")] The width of the vertical seperators for the locked content. |
public |
matchedObjects: *[] |
public |
The maximum height to adjust the grid when enableHeightAutoAdjust is set to true. |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
measurer: * |
public |
The number of field dropdowns to display in the multi column sort popup. |
public |
The height of the numeric value representing the order of the column sort. |
public |
The name of a CSS style declaration for controlling other aspects of the appearance of the numeric value representing the order of the column sort. |
public |
The width of the numeric value representing the order of the column sort. |
public |
If enabled (set to a string with length>0), when a dataprovider with zero items is set, or when filter criteria returns no records, a message is shown with this data. |
public |
[Style(name="paddingBottom", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] Number of pixels between the control's right border and the right edge of its content area. |
public |
[Style(name="paddingLeft", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] Number of pixels between the control's left border and the left edge of its content area. |
public |
[Style(name="paddingRight", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] Number of pixels between the control's right border and the right edge of its content area. |
public |
[Style(name="paddingTop", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] Number of pixels between the control's left border and the left edge of its content area. |
public |
[Style(name="pagerColors", type="Array", arrayType="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] An array of two colors used to draw the pager background gradient. |
public |
[Style(name="pagerDrawTopBorder", type="Boolean", inherit="no")] Flag that indicates whether to force the top border, when horizontal gridlines are not drawn |
public |
[Style(name="pagerHorizontalGridLineColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] The color of the horizontal grid lines. |
public |
[Style(name="pagerHorizontalGridLineThickness", type="Number", format="Length")] Thickness of the pager horizontal grid lines. |
public |
[Style(name="pagerHorizontalGridLines", type="Boolean", inherit="no")] Flag that indicates whether to show horizontal grid lines between the rows. |
public |
[Style(name="pagerPaddingBottom", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] Number of pixels between the control's right border and the right edge of its content area. |
public |
[Style(name="pagerPaddingLeft", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] Number of pixels between the control's left border and the left edge of its content area. |
public |
[Style(name="pagerPaddingRight", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] Number of pixels between the control's right border and the right edge of its content area. |
public |
[Style(name="pagerPaddingTop", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] Number of pixels between the control's left border and the left edge of its content area. |
public |
[Style(name="pagerRollOverColors",type="Array", arrayType="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] The color of the row background when the user rolls over the pager. |
public |
The name of a CSS style declaration for controlling other aspects of the appearance of the pager bar(toolbar). |
public |
[Style(name="pagerVerticalGridLineColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] The color of the vertical grid lines. |
public |
[Style(name="pagerVerticalGridLineThickness", type="Number", format="Length")] Thickness of the pager vertical grid lines. |
public |
[Style(name="pagerVerticalGridLines", type="Boolean", inherit="no")] Flag that indicates whether to show vertical grid lines between the columns. |
public |
The Print options object that is used to configure the pdf behavior - currently only supported in Ultimate |
public |
The Export options object that is used to configure the html export behavior - currently only supported in Ultimate |
public |
public |
public |
placedHeight: * |
public |
placedWidth: * |
public |
popupFactoryExportOptions: flexiciousNmsp.ClassFactory |
public |
popupFactoryOpenSettingsPopup: flexiciousNmsp.ClassFactory |
public |
popupFactoryPrintOptions: flexiciousNmsp.ClassFactory |
public |
popupFactorySaveSettingsPopup: flexiciousNmsp.ClassFactory |
public |
popupFactorySettingsPopup: flexiciousNmsp.ClassFactory |
public |
String value "server" or "client". |
public |
public |
public |
printComponentFactory: flexiciousNmsp.ClassFactory |
public |
The Print options object that is used to configure the print behavior - currently only supported in Ultimate |
public |
Flag that controls whether or not to rebuild the entire grid on dataprovider change. |
public |
Flag should be set to true when you have large variable height based rows that are potentially taller than the grid itself. |
public |
public |
public |
[Style(name="rendererColors", type="Array", arrayType="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] An array of two colors used to draw the renderer background gradient. |
public |
[Style(name="rendererDrawTopBorder", type="Boolean", inherit="no")] Flag that indicates whether to force the top border, when horizontal gridlines are not drawn |
public |
[Style(name="rendererHorizontalGridLineColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] The color of the horizontal grid lines. |
public |
[Style(name="rendererHorizontalGridLineThickness", type="Number", format="Length")] Thickness of the renderer horizontal grid lines. |
public |
[Style(name="rendererHorizontalGridLines", type="Boolean", inherit="no")] Flag that indicates whether to show horizontal grid lines between the rows. |
public |
[Style(name="rendererPaddingBottom", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] Number of pixels between the control's right border and the right edge of its content area. |
public |
[Style(name="rendererPaddingLeft", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] Number of pixels between the control's left border and the left edge of its content area. |
public |
[Style(name="rendererPaddingRight", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] Number of pixels between the control's right border and the right edge of its content area. |
public |
[Style(name="rendererPaddingTop", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] Number of pixels between the control's left border and the left edge of its content area. |
public |
rendererRollOverColors: uint
public |
[Style(name="rendererVerticalGridLineColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] The color of the vertical grid lines. |
public |
[Style(name="rendererVerticalGridLineThickness", type="Number", format="Length")] Thickness of the renderer vertical grid lines. |
public |
[Style(name="rendererVerticalGridLines", type="Boolean", inherit="no")] Flag that indicates whether to show vertical grid lines between the columns. |
public |
public |
resizeTimer: flexiciousNmsp.Timer To watch if our size changed and react accordingly |
public |
responsiveBehavior: flexiciousNmsp.ResponsiveBehavior The behavior responsible for adding responsiveness to the grid |
public |
rollOverColor: uint [Style(name="rollOverColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] The color of the row background when the user rolls over the row. |
public |
A function that takes in a data object, and a column, and returns a number. |
public |
Function to intercept the body scrolling. |
public |
scrollTimer: * |
public |
public |
[Style(name="selectionColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] The color of the background for the row when the user selects an item renderer in the row. |
public |
selectionDisabledColor: uint [Style(name="selectionDisabledColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] The color of the background of a renderer when the component is disabled. |
public |
public |
[Style(name="sortArrowSkin", type="Class", inherit="no")] The class to use as the skin for the arrow that indicates the column sort direction. |
public |
public |
spinnerBehavior: flexiciousNmsp.SpinnerBehavior |
public |
Colors for the spinners as an array. |
public |
Background color of the grid when the spinner is active [Style(name="spinnerGridAlpha", type="Number", format="Length", minValue="0.0")] |
public |
Spinner radius , default value is 10 |
public |
Spinner thickness , default value is 5 [Style(name="spinnerThickness", type="Number", format="Length", minValue="0.0")] |
public |
Alignment of text within a container. |
public |
textDisabledColor: uint [Style(name="textDisabledColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] The color of the text of a renderer when the component is disabled. |
public |
textRollOverColor: uint [Style(name="textRollOverColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] Color of the text when the user rolls over a row. |
public |
textSelectedColor: uint [Style(name="textSelectedColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] Color of the text when the user selects a row. |
public |
public |
toolbarActions: *[] |
public |
Function that actually runs the export to excel. |
public |
Function that actually runs the pdf. |
public |
Function that actually runs the print. |
public |
Function that actually runs the export to word. |
public |
tooltipBehavior: flexiciousNmsp.TooltipBehavior TooltipBehavior |
public |
public |
If set to true, uses the newer preference persistence scheme introduced in Flexicious 2.0, which stores the preferences as custom string as opposed to XML, making it a lot less verbose. |
public |
HTMLTreeGrid v3.0 introduced an enhanced printing feature, for those of you who want the old feature, just set this flag to false. |
public |
HTMLTreeGrid v3.0 introduced an enhanced printing feature, for those of you who want the old feature, just set this flag to false. |
public |
public |
public |
When you enable headerWordWrap=true, then we need to set this to true, because we will dyamically adjust the height of the header row. |
public |
In case the calculations of the row height with text measurements is not accurate browser style issue you can use this variable to adjust the calculation based on your scenario |
public |
A flag that indicates whether the individual rows can have different height. |
public |
In case the calculations of the row height with text measurements is not accurate (Flash player bug) you can use this variable to adjust the calculation based on your scenario |
public |
By default, the flexicious Ultimate Grid does not instantiate and measure each cell renderer when you set variable row heights. |
public |
verticalGridLineColor: uint The color of the vertical grid lines. |
public |
Thickness of the vertical grid lines. |
public |
Flag that indicates whether to show vertical grid lines between the columns. |
public |
public |
The Export options object that is used to configure the word export behavior - currently only supported in Ultimate |
public |
addColumn(col: *) Adds the column to the collection of columns at the root level. |
public |
addComponent(component: *) |
public |
addEventListener(type: *, listener: *, useCapture: *, priority: *, useWeakReference: *) |
public |
addPopup(component: *) |
public |
addRemoveFromOpenItems(item: *, open: *, level: *) |
public |
addSelectedItem(val: *) Adds the provided item to the selection of the top (root) level. |
public |
addToolbarAction(action: *, itemIndex: *) |
public |
If you modify one or more column groups, calling this method is required so that inter related column groups can update themselves. |
public |
applyAttribute(target: *, attr: *, node: *, direct: *) Applies the given attribute to the target. |
public |
applyTheme(themeID: *) Rebuilds the grid based on the current theme |
public |
buildFromXml(strXml: *) The main method that parses the configuration XML and builds the FlexDataGrid |
public |
calculateRowHeight(item: *, level: *, rowType: *): * If variableRowHeight returns the minimum height required to display text of each column without clipping. |
public |
cascadeColumnGroups(cg: *) |
public |
checkGetterAndRetrieve(target: *, attrName: *): * Checks to see if there is a getter with the specified name, and if so, return the value of that getter other wise return the value of the field with this name, |
public |
checkNoDataMessage(force: *) If a noDataMessage value is specified, and a dataprovider with zero records is set, calls the showMessage function passing in the noDataMessage, which in turn shows the value of the noDataMessage using the Spinner component with its spinner hidden. |
public |
Check for changes to the div that holds us. |
public |
checkScrollEnabled(evt: *) |
public |
checkSetterAndApply(target: *, attrName: *, val: *) Checks to see if there is a setter by the name provided, and if so use that, else apply as a property |
public |
Clears out the following collections
public |
Clears out all the errors |
public |
Clears filters at all levels and rebuilds the grid. |
public |
public |
Sets changes to an empty array. |
public |
clearColumns(rebuild: *) Clears out all the columns of the grid If the parameter to rebuild is true, the grid will be rebuilt. |
public |
clearCurrentHighlight(currentMatchedObject: *) |
public |
clearErrorByKey(key: *, fld: *) Clears the errors for the specified key |
public |
clearErrorByObject(item: *, fld: *) Similar to clearErrorByKey, except takes the actual object that the key represents. |
public |
Clears the filters at all levels |
public |
When the dataprovider changes or when new data comes in from the server for lazy loaded grids, you can call this to clear out the flattened cache. |
public |
public |
Clears the selected rows and cells. |
public |
For nested datagrids, expands all items one level down |
public |
collapseAllColumnGroups(lvl: *) For grids with column groups, expands them all. |
public |
public |
public |
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: *) |
public |
public |
public |
createBodyContainer(): * Method to create an instance of the FlexDataGridBodyContainer class. |
public |
createBuiltinAction(lbl: *, code: *, requiresSelection: *, requiresSingleSelection: *): * Creates a Toolbar Action |
public |
Method to create an instance of the FlexDataGridHeaderContainer class. |
public |
createColumn(isCheckBox: *): * |
public |
createColumnGroup(): flexiciousNmsp.FlexDataGridColumnGroup |
public |
createColumnLevel(): flexiciousNmsp.FlexDataGridColumnLevel |
public |
createComponents(currentScroll: *) |
public |
Method to create an instance of the ElasticContainer class. |
public |
createFilter(): * Returns the top level filter. |
public |
createLockedContent(): * Method to create an instance of the LockedContent class. |
public |
Gets the class responsible for handling the PrintUI should be a IPrintDataGrid |
public |
defaultDynamicLevelHasChildrenFunction(item: *): * Returns true if the getLength method on the result of the getChildren method returns more than 0 |
public |
Default handler for the Word Export Button. |
public |
defaultExpandCollapseTooltipFunction(cell: *): * If grid.getOpenItems().contains(getItemKey(, return the value of expandTooltip else collapseTooltip |
public |
Default handler for the Print Button. |
public |
Default handler for the Print Button. |
public |
returns UserSettingsOptions.create(this); |
public |
Default handler for the Word Export Button. |
public |
dispatchAutoRefreshEvent(event: *) Handle for the auto refresh. |
public |
dispatchEvent(e: *): * |
public |
Modifies the columns so the width is distributed equally. |
public |
dragAcceptReject(cell: *) Called when the drag enters over a cell. |
public |
dragBegin(event: *) Triggered when drag is starting. |
public |
dragComplete(event: *) Triggered when the drag is complete. |
public |
dragDrop(event: *) Called when the DragDrop event is dispatched over any of the cells. |
public |
dragDropInternal(event: *) |
public |
dragEnter(event: *) Called when the DragEnter event is dispatched over any of the cells. |
public |
dragEnterInternal(event: *) |
public |
public |
When enableFillerRows=true, wipes out and recreates the filler rows. |
public |
drawFillerCell(section: *, color: *, pointer: *, currx: *, colWidth: *, verticalGridLines: *, verticalGridLineThickness: *, verticalGridLineColor: *, horizontalGridLines: *, horizontalGridLineThickness: *, horizontalGridLineColor: *, rowHt: *, draw: *, colIsInView: *, sectionHorizontalScrollPosition: *): * |
public |
Dumps the configuration information |
public |
enableDisableToolbarAction(code: *, enable: *) In addition to initial enable/disable of toolbar actions, this function can be used to enable or disable toolbar actions at run time. |
public |
ensureLevelsCreated(item: *, level: *) When enableDynamicLevels=true and there is only one level, we iterate through the data provider and ensure that the maximum depth has been accounted for. |
public |
executeFunctionByName(functionName: *, context: *): * |
public |
For nested datagrids, expands all items one level down |
public |
expandAllColumnGroups(lvl: *) For grids with column groups, expands them all. |
public |
expandChildrenOf(item: *, open: *, level: *) Opens or closes all the nodes of the navigation tree below the specified item. |
public |
For nested datagrids, expands all items one level down |
public |
expandToLevel(level: *, maxItems: *) For nested datagrids, expands all items to the level specified. |
public |
expandUp() For nested datagrids, expands all items one level up |
public |
extractAction(item: *): * |
public |
extractAction(actionNode: *, action: *): * |
public |
extractActionFromObject(item: *): * Method to extract action. |
public |
extractActions(actionsNode: *, grid: *) |
public |
extractCol(colNode: *): * |
public |
extractColGroup(cgNode: *): * |
public |
extractColumns(levelNodeChild: *, lvl: *): {"cols": *, "hasColumnGroups": *, "j": *, "colNode": *} Method to extact column information from XML |
public |
extractFilters(filtersNode: *, grid: *) Code to extract filters. |
public |
extractLevel(levelNode: *, lvl: *) Method to extract level information from xml |
public |
For hierarchical data grids, returns the data provider as a flat list that matches the specified criteria. |
public |
flattenRecursive(depthRequested: *, result: *, parent: *, level: *, inclusive: *, filter: *, page: *, sort: *) |
public |
generateImageForDrag(cell: *) Generates a snapshot of the row for the drag visual indicator |
public |
getActionByCode(code: *): * Given a code, loops through the toolbarActions, and gets the toolbar action with the given code. |
public |
Pointer to the TOP level additionalFilterArgumentsFunction In scenarios where there are detached filters, this function may be used to add on to the list of arguments before the filter is run. |
public |
getAllErrorString(): * Returns an object that has the error information for the passed in object. |
public |
By default, when the grid's creation complete event is dispatched, the grid will go
in and load the saved preference. This works well in most cases, but in some cases, where
the data needed to build selection comboboxes (for filters) is built from the dataprovider,
it makes sense to wait until the dataprovider is loaded to parse and set the preferences, otherwise
the grid will end up ignoring saved preferences for filters that have dropdown based UI. In this case
set autoLoadPreferences to true, and manually call loadPreferences when the data is received from
the server and the dataprovider is set. grid:FlexDataGrid autoLoadPreferences=”false” |
public |
getBodyContainer(): * The main scrollable area of the grid. |
public |
getCanExpandDown(): * Returns true of this is a nested grid, and we have not expanded to the lowest level |
public |
getCanExpandUp(): * Returns true of this is a nested grid, and we have expanded to a level below 1. |
public |
Pointer to the TOP level cellBorderFunction A function that lets you control the border drawing mechanism for each cell. |
public |
Pointer to the TOP level cellCustomBackgroundDrawFunction A function that lets you control the background drawing mechanism for each cell. |
public |
getCellForRowColumn(data: *, column: *): * Given a data object and a colum, return the IFlexDataGridDataCell object for the combination |
public |
getCellInDirection(cell: *, direction: *): * Gets the cell in the specified direction of the provided cell |
public |
getChanges(): * An array of ChangeInfo objects that contains all the changes made to the data provider using the grid editing mechanism. |
public |
getChildren(object: *, level: *, filter: *, page: *, sort: *): * If the dataprovider is IHierarchicalCollectionView, calls the getChildren method on the incoming object. |
public |
Pointer to the TOP level childrenCountField A property on the object that identifies if the object has children. |
public |
getChildrenField(): * The property of the parent level object, that identifies the children that should be displayed on the next level. |
public |
getChildrenLength(object: *, level: *, filter: *, page: *, sort: *): * Calls getChildren, and if result is XML or XMLList, returns length() else returns length; |
public |
getClassNames(): string[] |
public |
getColSpanFunction(): * A function that takes in a data object, and a column, and returns a number. |
public |
getColumnByDataField(fld: *): * Returns the column with the specified datafield, only at the root level |
public |
getColumnByUniqueIdentifier(fld: *): * Returns the column with the specified UniqueIdentifier, only at the root level |
public |
getColumnCount(): * Returns the top level columnCount |
public |
getColumnGroups(): * Returns the list of columns groups at the root level. |
public |
getColumnLevel(): * The Root Column Level. |
public |
getColumnNames(): * Returns the top level column names |
public |
getColumns(): * Returns the list of columns at the root level. |
public |
getContainerForCell(cell: *): * Given a IFlexDataGridCell, returns a container that holds that cell. |
public |
getContainerInDirection(container: *, up: *): * Returns the section above or below the provided section. |
public |
getContainerName(container: *): string Given a container, returns its displayOrder string equivalent. |
public |
getCornerY(comp: *): * Corner areas are special containers that exist to hold filter and header on the top and Pager and Footer on the bottom If I am filter cell, return 0 if filter is above header (true always) IF I am header cell, return filterHeight + (headerHeight * header Depth) If I am footer cell, return 0 If I am pager cell, return pager footer height |
public |
getCurrentEditCell(): * Gets the cell that is currently being edited. |
public |
getCurrentEditor(): * Gets the editor that is currently being edited. |
public |
The index of the currently matched object |
public |
When enableMultiplePreferences = true, this represents the currently applied preference |
public |
getCurrentSorts(): * Return the FilterSort objects at the top level |
public |
getCurrentTooltip(): * The current tooltip object. |
public |
The current tooltip object trigger. |
public |
getDataForPrintExport(printOptions: PrintOptions): * Called by PrintController and ExportController to get the data on basis of PrintOptions and ExportOptions |
public |
getDataProvider(): * The data provider for the grid. |
public |
Returns the TOP level data without any filters. |
public |
Returns the TOP level data without any paging, but with filters. |
public |
getDisabledField(): * A property on the object that identifies whether the object is disabled. |
public |
getDisplayOrder(): * A comma seperated list of the following strings: filter,header,body,footer,pager. |
public |
getDragColumn(): * The column that initiated the drag |
public |
getElementToCenter(): * The element of the owner that should be used to center the spinner. |
public |
All elements of the spinner owner that should be blurred when the spinner is active. |
public |
getEnableFilters(): * Flag that indicates whether or not to show the filter |
public |
getEnableFooters(): * Flag that indicates whether or not to show the footer |
public |
getEnablePaging(): * Flag to indicate whether or not to enable paging functionality |
public |
getEnableRowNumbers(): * Flag to embed a column that shows row numbers |
public |
When enableMultiColumnSort=true, setting this flag to on will enable AdvancedDataGrid like Split headers to enable multi column sort. |
public |
getError(item: *): * Returns an object that has the error information for the passed in object. |
public |
Pointer to the TOP level expandCollapseCellRenderer |
public |
Pointer to the TOP level expandCollapseHeaderCellRenderer |
public |
getExportController(): * Returns the export controller instance |
public |
getExportableColumns(exportOptions: *): * Returns all columns at all levels. |
public |
getExportableColumns(): * Returns the columns where excludeFromExport=false |
public |
getExportableColumnsAtAllLevel(exportOptions: *): * Returns all columns at all levels. |
public |
getFilterArguments(): * Returns the filter at the top level. |
public |
getFilterColumn(searchField: *): * Gets the column with the specified search field |
public |
getFilterContainer(): * The container for the filter cells. |
public |
getFilterFunction(): * Pointer to the TOP level filterFunction |
public |
The Filter/Page/Sort Mode. |
public |
getFilterRowHeight(): * Sets the filter row height at the top level. |
public |
getFilterRows(): * Returns an array of RowInfo objects in the filter row. |
public |
getFilterValue(col: *): * Used to set the initial value of the filter at the top level for the specified field. |
public |
getFilterVisible(): * Returns true if the filter row is visible at the top level. |
public |
getFilterX(renderer: *): * Used by filter to identify where relative position for each control for tabbing |
public |
getFilteredPagedSortedData(dictionary: *, applyFilter: *, applyPaging: *, applySort: *, pages: *): * Returns the data provider, with filter, paging and sorting applied on basis of the boolean flags specified. |
public |
getFooterContainer(): * The container for the footer cells. |
public |
getFooterRowHeight(): * Returns the sum of: |
public |
getFooterRows(): * Returns an array of RowInfo objects in the footer row. |
public |
getFooterVisible(): * Returns true if the footer row is visible at the top level. |
public |
getForcePagerRow(): * Flag to force appearance of the pager row even with enablePaging=false. |
public |
A list of columns that the global search uses to search. |
public |
public |
Array to search for when highlighting a term in specific columns |
public |
A Boolean variable that tells us whether to highlight just the first occurence or all occurences |
public |
A String to highlight in the grid. |
public |
When enableMultiplePreferences = true, this represents a list of all preferences saved for this grid. |
public |
getGroupedColumns(): * Returns the list of groupedColumns at the root level. |
public |
getHasFilterFunction(): * returns true if any of the levels have a filter function |
public |
getHasGroupedColumns(): * Added for Persistence support |
public |
If rowSpanFunction!=null or colSpanFunction!=null |
public |
getHeaderContainer(): * The container for the header cells. |
public |
getHeaderRowHeight(): * Pointer to the TOP level headerHeight Height of the header for this level. |
public |
Returns the sum of: |
public |
Pointer to the TOP level headerSeparatorWidth Width to show the resize indicator between columns. |
public |
Gets the value of the headerSortSeparatorRight property |
public |
getHeaderVisible(): * Returns true if the header row is visible at the top level. |
public |
Gets the height of this component |
public |
The horizontal scrollbar associated with the this.getBodyContainer(). |
public |
Whether or not to show the horizontal scroll bar. |
public |
The horizontal scroll position of the body container. |
public |
If true, initial sort direction for this level is ascending. |
public |
getInitialSortField(): * The property of the object on this level that should be used in the default sort at the root level. |
public |
Returns true if the top column level filterPageSortMode is client. |
public |
getIsScrolling(): * |
public |
getItemAtPosition(position: *): * Returns the RowPosition Info object for the item at the given vertical scroll position |
public |
getItemFilter(level: *, item: *): * |
public |
getItemLoadMode(): * Pointer to the TOP level itemLoadMode |
public |
getLeftLockedContent(): * The container for the left locked data cells. |
public |
getLeftLockedFooter(): * The container for the left locked footer cells. |
public |
getLeftLockedHeader(): * The container for the left locked filter and header cells. |
public |
getLength(arr: *): * If arr is XML or XMLList, returns length() else returns length; |
public |
getLevel(levelDepth: *): * Returns FlexDataGridColumnLevel object at the specified depth |
public |
getLevelAtNestDepth(depth: *): * |
public |
getLevelForItem(itemToFind: *, flat: *, level: *): * Provided an item, loops through the data provider, and finds the level associated with the provided item. |
public |
Pointer to the TOP level levelRendererHeight Height to assign to the renderer for each level. |
public |
getLocalName(node: *): * | String | * IE does not know localName, it knows baseName. |
public |
getLockedColumnCount(): * Unused/Not Applicable. |
public |
getLockedColumnWidth(): * Unused/Not Applicable. |
public |
public |
getMaxDepth(): * Returns the max depth possible for nested datagrids |
public |
The max horizontal scroll position of the bodyContainer |
public |
getMultiSortRenderer(): * A Class that is responsible for the multi column sort view. |
public |
getNamedContainer(name: *): * Given a displayOrder string , returns its container equivalent. |
public |
getNestIndent(): * Pointer to the TOP level nestIndent The indentation to apply to each progressive nest level. |
public |
Pointer to the TOP level nestIndentPaddingCellRenderer Container for the nest indent padding cell. |
public |
getNewIndex(lcw: *, item: *, direction: *): * |
public |
getNextLevelRenderer(): * Pointer to the TOP level nextLevelRenderer |
public |
getOpenItemCount(cell: *): * Given a cell if it is a datarow, and it is associated with a column and the column is at the nest level of the cell, and the column is left locked and the data item bound to the cell is open, then will return the recursive count of all open items under this cell. |
public |
getOpenItems(): * this method was deprecated. Please use the getOpenKeys and getOpenItems instead.
A list of items that the user has opened. |
public |
getOpenKeys(): * A list of ID values, based on the selectedKeyField property. |
public |
getOpenObjects(): * Returns a copy of the open items array. |
public |
getPageIndex(): * Page index at the top level. |
public |
getPageSize(): * The page size of the top(root) level. |
public |
getPager(): * Returns the top level pager |
public |
getPagerCellRenderer(): * Pointer to the TOP level pagerCellRenderer Container for the footer renderer. |
public |
getPagerContainer(): * The container for the pager cells. |
public |
getPagerControl(): * Returns the pager control at the root level. |
public |
getPagerRenderer(): * A Class that implements com.flexicious.controls.interfaces.IPager. |
public |
getPagerRowHeight(): * Gets the pager row height at the top level. |
public |
getPagerVisible(): * Returns true if the pager row is visible at the top level. |
public |
getParent(object: *, level: *): * Returns the parent object for the passed in object. |
public |
getParentContainer(cell: *): * Returns the container for the given cell |
public |
getPeristenceKey(): * String value that uniquely identifies this grid across the application. |
public |
String value that uniquely identifies this grid across the application. |
public |
getPreferences(): * Returns an XML representation of the preferences specified in the preferencesToPersist property and values being the actual values. |
public |
getPreferencesLoaded(): * Returns true if the load preferences has been called. |
public |
getPreservePager(): * If you set this to true, the next call to rebuild will not rebuild the pager control Needed in cases where there is user interaction in the pager control that we do not want to loose, but we want to rebuild the rest of the grid. |
public |
getPrintController(): * Returns the print controller instance |
public |
getPrintableColumns(options: *): * |
public |
getRecursiveOpenItemCount(children: *, nextLevel: *): * |
public |
The container for the right locked data cells. |
public |
getRightLockedFooter(): * The container for the right locked footer cells. |
public |
getRightLockedHeader(): * The container for the right locked filter and header cells. |
public |
getRightLockedWidth(): * Returns the maximum width of right locked columns. |
public |
getRootFilter(): * Gets the filter at the root level |
public |
getRootFlat(): * Returns a iterable representation of the dataprovider. |
public |
getRowCount(): * Returns the number of rows currently visible. |
public |
A property on the object that identifies whether the object is disabled. |
public |
getRowHeight(): * Height of the row for this level. |
public |
A function that can be used to control whether clicking on any cell in this level will select it. |
public |
getRowSpanBasedOnOpenItemCount(cell: *): * Given a cell, returns it row span based upon how many children are open Recursively inspects the children to see if any of them are open as well. |
public |
getRowSpanFunction(): * A function that takes in a data object, and a column, and returns a number. |
public |
getRowText(item: Object, cols: Array): String Iterates through the passed in cols, calls itemToLabel on each of them passing in the item, and return the resulting string in tab delimited format. |
public |
getSelectAllState(): * If all items from the top level are selected, returns TriStateCheckBox.STATE_CHECKED. |
public |
getSelectableField(): * This is a boolean flag on the dataprovider that notifies the grid whether or not the grid should allow interactive selection on the corresponding record. |
public |
getSelectedField(): * A field on the dataprovider that indicates that this item should be selected |
public |
getSelectedIndex(): * Only applicable for flat grids. |
public |
getSelectedIndices(): * Returns dataProvider.indexOf(selectedObjects(0)) |
public |
getSelectedItem(): * Returns (selectedObjects(0)). |
public |
getSelectedItems(): * Returns the top level selectedObjects |
public |
getSelectedKeyField(): * The concept of selection in Flexicious Ultimate is much more powerful as compared to the basic SDK datagrids in the following ways: |
public |
getSelectedKeys(): * A list of ID values, based on the selectedKeyField property. |
public |
getSelectedKeys(): * For nested datagrids, used to get all records at all levels. |
public |
getSelectedObjects(getKey: *, unSelected: *): * A list of selected objects from the data provider. |
public |
A list of selected objects from the data provider. |
public |
getSelectionInfo(): * Support for selection based on exclusion. |
public |
getSettingsColumns(): * Returns the columns where excludeFromSettings=false |
public |
getSortableColumns(): * Returns the columns where excludeFromExport=false |
public |
getSpinnerParent(): * The parent to add the spinner to. |
public |
Based upon the current theme id, returns the theme icons folder. |
public |
Returns the built in Add Row Action |
public |
getToolbarActionButton(code: *): * Gets the actual button object for the provided toolbar action. |
public |
Returns the built in Delete Action |
public |
getToolbarActionEdit(): * Returns the built in Edit Action |
public |
Returns the built in Filter Action |
public |
Returns the built in moveDown Action |
public |
Returns the built in Move to Action |
public |
Returns the built in moveUp Action |
public |
Returns the built in moveUp Action |
public |
getToolbarActionSort(): * Returns the built in Edit Action |
public |
getTotalRecords(): * The total number of records at the root level (needs to be set only in server mode, because there is no way for the grid to know how many records on the server match the filter criteria) In client mode, the count of the data provider is used instead. |
public |
getTraceRows(): * |
public |
getUnSelectedKeys(): * When enableSelectionExclusion, returns a list of items that the user explicitly unselected. |
public |
Whether to use addElement or addChild; |
public |
public |
getVerticalScrollBar(): * The vertical scrollbar associated with the this.getBodyContainer(). |
public |
Not used. |
public |
The vertical scroll position of the body container. |
public |
getVerticalSpill(): * |
public |
The main scrollable area of the grid. |
public |
Delay in milliseconds before "virtualScroll" event is dispatched. |
public |
getVisibleColumns(): * Returns the columns where visible=true |
public |
Gets the height of this component |
public |
getprintExportData(): * This is not used. |
public |
globalFilterFunction(item: *): * A global filter function that matches against gloalSearchString |
public |
gotoHorizontalPosition(vsp: *) Goes to the specified horizontal position. |
public |
gotoItem(item: *, highlight: *, level: *) Given a data item, scrolls to that item in the datagrid |
public |
gotoKey(key: *, highlight: *, level: *) Given a key, scrolls to the item that has the provided value for the selectedKeyField at that level |
public |
gotoNextHighlight(backwards: *) Handler for the next highlight |
public |
gotoRow(rowIndex: *) Given a row index (less than the total number of rows, goes to the row in question). |
public |
gotoVerticalPosition(vsp: *) Goes to the specified vertical position. |
public |
public |
Hides the current tooltip. |
public |
highlightRow(cell: *, row: *, highLight: *, highLightColor: *) On basis of the highLight flag, removes or adds highlight to the row in question. |
public |
Initializes the auto complete and watermark plugins |
public |
Invalidates the display (Calls invalidateDisplayList of all the cells). |
public |
public |
Queues a call to drawFiller in the next validation cycle |
public |
Called when you scroll and expand collapse. |
public |
Calls the rebuild function, which basically rebuild the entire grid. |
public |
public |
isCtrlKeyDownOrSticky(event: *): * Return true if enableStickyControlKeySelection Or (Control Key is down AND (selectionMode is MultipleRows or MultipleCells)) |
public |
isInVisibleHorizontalRange(x: *, wwidth: *): Boolean Returns true if the passed in cordinates are in the visible ViewPort |
public |
isToolbarActionValid(action: *, currentTarget: *, extendedPager: *): boolean Evaluates whether the given toolbar action is valid or not. |
public |
itemsQuickFind(whatToFind: String, flat: Object, level: FlexDataGridColumnLevel, result: Array, searchCols: Array, breakAfterFind: Boolean, captureCols: Boolean, flatIndex: Number): * |
public |
keyDownHandler(event: *) Support for key board interaction. |
public |
keyUpOrDown(keyCode: *) Not used, because it is handled by the grid itself. |
public |
kill() Cleanup method |
public |
Loads preference values from the Shared object, called automatically in preferencePersistenceMode=client. |
public |
measure() Measures the DataGrid based on its contents, summing the total of the visible column widths. |
public |
measureCellHeight(col: *, paddingLeft: *, paddingRight: *, paddingTop: *, paddingBottom: *, itemRenderer: *, ht: *, txt: *, item: *, styl: *, isHeader: *): * Given a column and padding values, calculate the height required to fully render the text |
public |
multiColumnSortGetTooltip(cell: *): * Gets the text of the tooltip to show to the user to prompt for the multi column sort. |
public |
Creates an instance of the multiSortRenderer and pushes it into view |
public |
onCellContextMenuItemClick(event: *) Method to handle the click for the copy cell menu item Copies the current cell in tab delimited format into the clipboard |
public |
onContainerScroll(evt: *) |
public |
onContextMenuSelect(event: *) |
public |
onCreationComplete(event: *) |
public |
onDoubleClick(event: *) In this method, we trap all double click events, walk up the target tree until we hit a IFlexDataGridDataCell object, and if we indeed double clicked a data cell, we dispatch and ITEM_DOUBLE_CLICK event. |
public |
onDragEnd(event: *) |
public |
onDragMove(evt: *) |
public |
onGridMouseOut(event: *) |
public |
onGridResized(event: *) |
public |
onMouseWheel(event: *) Transfers mouse wheel events over the locked left and right sections to scroll events on the body container, so we scroll when the user mouse wheels over the left or right locked containers. |
public |
onRootFilterChange(event: *) |
public |
onRootPageChange(event: *) |
public |
onRowContextMenuItemClick(event: *) Method to handle the click for the copy row menu item Copies the current row in tab delimited format into the clipboard |
public |
onScrollTimerComplete(event: *) |
public |
onTableContextMenuItemClick(event: *) |
public |
parse(strXml: *, grid: *) used by the buildFromXml method to parse the XML to build the grid |
public |
pauseKeyboardListeners(filterRenderer: *) For some operations, like shift tab and tab key up, purposely pause the Container keyboard listenters, so we do not overwrite the work of one keyboard handler by triggering another. |
public |
persistPreferences(name: *, isDefault: *) Persists the preferences as Shared Objects when preferencePersistenceMode=client or dispatches an event with the preference information when preferencePersistenceMode=server |
public |
When you have left or right locked sections, the scroll bar only covers the area occupied by the body container, or the unlocked columns section. |
public |
placeChildComponents(components: *) |
public |
placeComponent(comp: *) |
public |
placeComponents(row: *) |
public |
The grid is composed of the following sections: |
public |
Processes filters at the root level. |
public |
processRootFilter(triggerEvent: *) |
public |
processSort(sorts: *) Used by state persistence to load sort settings that were persisted previously. |
public |
quickFind(whatToFind: *): * Iterates through the data provider to get a list of row positions that match the text provided. |
public |
rebuildBody(vupdateTotalRecords: *) A method that simply rebuilds the body as opposed to rebuilding the entire grid. |
public |
A method that simply rebuilds the footer as opposed to rebuilding the entire grid. |
public |
A method that simply rebuilds the footer as opposed to rebuilding the entire grid. |
public |
A method that simply rebuilds the header as opposed to rebuilding the entire grid. |
public |
A method that simply rebuilds the pager as opposed to rebuilding the entire grid. |
public |
recycleH(right: *) |
public |
A method that simply redraws the body as opposed to rebuilding the entire grid. |
public |
Calls the refresh cell method on all visible cells in the bodyContainer section. |
public |
Updates the visible state of all row selection checkboxes and header checkboxes. |
public |
Removes all the sorts and calls doInvalidate. |
public |
removeColumn(col: *) Removes the column from the collection of columns at this level. |
public |
removePopup(component: *) |
public |
removeToolbarAction(code: *) |
public |
runToolbarAction(action: *, currentTarget: *, extendedPager: *) Runs the given toolbar action. |
public |
scrollToExistingRow(vsp: *, scrollDown: *) Scrolls to the row that appears at the specified vertical position |
public |
selectText(txt: *) Selects the provided text in the currently visible cells that have the default item renderer, or if the item renderer has the selection property |
public |
setAdditionalFilterArgumentsFunction(value: *) |
public |
setCellBorderFunction(value: *) |
public |
setCellCustomBackgroundDrawFunction(value: *) |
public |
setChildData(item: *, children: *, level: *, totalRecords: *, useSelectedKeyField: *) In lazy loaded grid levels, (filterPageSortMode=server), when the user expands a level for the first time, since the data is not loaded, the level dispatches the filterPageSortChange, or itemLoad. |
public |
setChildrenCountField(value: *) |
public |
setChildrenField(value: *) |
public |
setColSpanFunction(value: *) A function that takes in a data object, and a column, and returns a number. |
public |
setColumnLevel(value: *) |
public |
setColumns(val: *) |
public |
public |
setCurrentPreferenceInfo(val: *, applyPreferences: *) When enableMultiplePreferences = true, applies the given preference as the current preference. |
public |
setDataProvider(value: *) |
public |
setDisabledField(val: *) |
public |
setDisplayOrder(value: *) |
public |
setDragDropCompleteFunction(val: *) |
public |
setEditedItemPosition(rowIndex: *, colIndex: *) Takes an object that has a rowIndex and a columnIndex property. |
public |
setEnableFilters(enabled: *) |
public |
setEnableFooters(enabled: *) |
public |
setEnablePaging(enabled: *) |
public |
setEnablePdf(enabled: *) |
public |
setEnablePrint(enabled: *) |
public |
setEnableRowNumbers(value: *) |
public |
setEnableSplitHeader(value: *) |
public |
setEnabled(value: *) |
public |
setErrorByKey(key: *, fld: *, errorMsg: *) On grids that allow for tracking errors, call this method to highlight the error using the errorRowStyle, errorContainerRowStyle, and errorMessageStyle. |
public |
setErrorByObject(item: *, fld: *, errorMsg: *) Similar to setErrorByKey, except takes the actual object that the key represents. |
public |
setExpandCollapseCellRenderer(val: *) |
public |
public |
setFilterFocus(fld: *): * Sets the filter at the top level. |
public |
setFilterFunction(value: *) |
public |
setFilterPageSortMode(val: *) |
public |
setFilterRowHeight(val: *) Sets the filter row height at the top level. |
public |
setFilterValue(col: *, val: *, triggerEvent: *) Used to set the initial value of the filter at the top level for the specified field. |
public |
setFilterVisible(val: *) Sets the filter row to visible at the top level. |
public |
setFooterRowHeight(val: *) Sets the footer row height at the top level. |
public |
setFooterVisible(val: *) Sets the footer row to visible at the top level. |
public |
setForcePagerRow(val: *) |
public |
setGridPreferencesInfo(val: *, applyPreferences: *) Sets the multiple preferences array. |
public |
setGroupedColumns(val: *) |
public |
setHeaderRowHeight(val: *) |
public |
setHeaderSeperatorWidth(val: *) |
public |
setHeaderVisible(val: *) Sets the filter row to visible at the top level. |
public |
Sets the height of this component |
public |
setHorizontalScrollPolicy(value: *) |
public |
setHorizontalScrollPosition(val: *) |
public |
setInitialSortAscending(value: *) |
public |
setInitialSortField(value: *) |
public |
setItemLoadMode(val: *) |
public |
setLevelRendererHeight(val: *) |
public |
setNestIndent(val: *) |
public |
setNestIndentPaddingCellRenderer(val: *) |
public |
setNextLevelRenderer(val: *) |
public |
setOpenItems(valCollection: *) |
public |
setOpenKeys(keys: *) For nested/grouped hierarchical datagrids, used to select records. |
public |
setPageIndex(val: *) Page index at the top level. |
public |
setPageSize(val: *) |
public |
setPagerCellRenderer(val: *) |
public |
setPagerRenderer(val: *) |
public |
setPagerRowHeight(val: *) Sets the pager row height at the top level. |
public |
setPagerVisible(val: *) Sets the pager row to visible at the top level. |
public |
setPredefinedFilters(filters: *) Adds to built in filters and refreshes the toolbar. |
public |
setPreferencePersistenceKey(val: *): *
public |
setPreferences(val: *) |
public |
setPreferencesFromSettings(arrayCollection: *) Takes an array collection of preferences and applies them to the grid. |
public |
setPreservePager(value: *) |
public |
setResponsiveBehaviorMode(mode: *): string Responsive mode for this grid. |
public |
setRowDisabledFunction(value: *) |
public |
setRowHeight(o: *) |
public |
setRowSelectableFunction(value: *) |
public |
setRowSpanFunction(value: *) A function that takes in a data object, and a column, and returns a number. |
public |
setSelectAllState(val: *) Sets the selected keys for the top level. |
public |
setSelectableField(val: *) |
public |
setSelectedField(val: *) |
public |
setSelectedIndex(val: *) |
public |
setSelectedItem(val: *) |
public |
setSelectedItemsBasedOnSelectedField(rebuild: *, openItems: *) Sets the open items on basis of the selectedField. |
public |
setSelectedKeyField(val: *) |
public |
setSelectedKeys(objects: *, openItems: *) For nested/grouped hierarchical datagrids, used to select records. |
public |
setSelectedObjects(objects: *, openItems: *) For nested/grouped hierarchical datagrids, used to select records. |
public |
setToolbarActionButtonProperty(toolbarActionCode: *, property: *, value: *) Sets a property or a style of the button object associated with the toolbar action that has the given code. |
public |
setToolbarActions(actions: *) Adds to toolbar actions, and refreshes the toolbar. |
public |
setVerticalScrollPolicy(value: *) |
public |
setVerticalScrollPosition(val: *) |
public |
setVirtualScrollDelay(value: *) |
public |
setWidth(val: *): * Sets the width of this component |
public |
public |
shiftColumns(columnToInsert: *, insertBefore: *, level: *, movingCg: *) Inserts the column specified column before the specified column |
public |
showColumns(colsToShow: *) Sets the visible flag on all columns except the ones speicified in the list to false. |
public |
showDropIndicator(cell: *) Called to show the drop indicator below the passed in cells row. |
public |
showMessage(msg: *) Displays a message without the spinner label. |
public |
Sets the visible flag on all columns except the ones where excludeFromPrint=true. |
public |
showSpinner(msg: *) |
public |
showToaster(message: *, toasterPosition: *, toasterRenderer: *, animationDuration: *, visibleDuration: *, moveAnimate: *, fadeAnimate: *): * Shows the given toaster message |
public |
showTooltip(relativeTo: *, tooltip: *, dataContext: *, point: *, leftOffset: *, topOffset: *, offScreenMath: *, where: *, container: *) Displays a tooltip for the control in question. |
public |
Goes through all the sections and resizes the cells to match the current column widths. |
public |
Synchronizes the vertical scroll positions of the three locked sections |
public |
Synchronizes the vertical scroll positions of the three locked sections |
public |
trackChange(changedItem: *, changeType: *, changeLevel: *, changedProperty: *, previousValue: *, newValue: *) Method to track a change, called by track change API to keep track of additions, deletions and modifications to the data provider. |
public |
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth: *, unscaledHeight: *) |
Public Constructors
public constructor(props: *, arg1: *, arg2: *) source
The constructor is responsible for instantiating the body container, header,footer,filter,pager containers, as well as the left/right Locked header/footer containers.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
props | * | ||
arg1 | * | ||
arg2 | * |