Preference Persistence is the feature of "maintaining state" for the grid between page reloads. The state includes the following :
- PERSIST_COLUMN_ORDER:String="columnOrder" : The order in which columns appear. User can drag and drop columns and then save the state.When the grid is loaded in the future, the order of the columns will be preserved.
- PERSIST_COLUMN_LOCKMODES:String="columnLockModes": The lock modes of the column - left, right or unlocked.
- PERSIST_COLUMN_VISIBILITY:String="columnVisiblity" : Whether or not the column is hidden.
- PERSIST_COLUMN_WIDTH:String="columnWidth": The width of the columns.
- PERSIST_FILTER:String="filter": The filter values that the user currently has entered into the filter controls.
- PERSIST_SORT:String="sort" : The sort settings.
- PERSIST_VERTICAL_SCROLL:String="verticalScroll": The vertical scroll position of the grid.
- PERSIST_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL:String="horizontalScroll": The horizontal scroll position of the grid.
- PERSIST_FOOTER_FILTER_VISIBILITY:String="footerFilterVisiblity" : Whether or not the user has chosen to show or hide the footer and filter bars.
- PERSIST_PAGE_SIZE:String="pageSize" : The page size that the user has chosen.
- PERSIST_PRINT_SETTINGS:String="printSettings": Print settings, currently not applicable for HTML version of grid.